..I'd like to come back now.
I can't tell you how much I've missed my LEGO people. Two weeks after my last post, my husband started a job halfway across the country. During the three months after that, I managed to finish all four of my courses at school (with 3 As and a B--look ma, no hands!), gave away a third of what we own, packed up all of our things and all six of our kids, and moved to the East Coast. We've been here for six weeks now and still most days I can't tell if my head is attached or not!
In October, I kept thinking that since I was still taking pictures, I'd be able to catch up. The longer I didn't post them, though, the harder it was to even think about opening Blogger. You know how that goes, right? At first it was just a few days, then it was "only" a couple of weeks, and suddenly it was a month and then two. I started to feel guilty, and then on the days we were moving and I didn't take any pictures at all, I felt even worse because I'd managed to fail at my 365. During all the chaos and everything that went wrong, my LEGO pictures were the one thing that I was able to be consistent on even when nothing else was working. Losing that consistency was really hard for me to deal with; even when I didn't have control over anything else, I'd still been able to post my pictures. Not only was that gone, but so is/was everything else familiar in my life.
Over the last two weeks, I've run into a few old friends, and several of them have asked me about my LEGO pictures. I'm finally thinking through the idea that this didn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition; that was pressure I was putting on myself, not something coming from other people. I've taken a lot of pictures over the last five months, and I'd hate for them to just go to waste.
I'll try to get a picture up every day, and if I don't, it will be there the day after. My wrists aren't healed yet, I'm living in a hotel, and there are a lot of things in life that aren't settled, but if I wait until things are perfect I'll be waiting a long time. I think I'm just going to jump right in anyway.